
Solution to film wrinkles and unstable film bubbles in plastic blow molding machines
Category: Company News
Date: 2024-07-08
Click: 157
Author: 世研

Plastic blow molding machines are two common problems that occur in thin film products due to their own factors, including wrinkles and unstable film bubbles; Uneven film thickness, unstable air flow in the cooling air ring, and uneven film bubble cooling; What is the reason for this?

World Research Machinery will answer for everyone.

1. Film wrinkling fault

Reason: ① Uneven thickness of thin detachment; ② Insufficient cooling effect, ③ the blowing expansion ratio is too large, causing unstable film bubbles, which swing back and forth from left to right and are prone to wrinkles; ④ The angle between the herringbone clamps is too large, and the film bubbles are flattened within a short distance, making the film prone to wrinkles. ⑤ The pressure on both sides of the traction roller is inconsistent, with one side high and the other low. ⑥ The axis between the guide rollers is not parallel, which affects the stability and flatness of the film, resulting in wrinkles.

Solution: Adjust the thickness of the film to ensure uniform and consistent thickness: ② Improve the cooling effect of the plastic blowing machine to ensure that the film can be fully cooled; ③ Reduce the blowing expansion ratio appropriately; ④ Reduce the angle of the herringbone splint appropriately: adjust the traction force to ensure even force distribution on the film; ⑥ Check the axes of each guide axis and make them parallel to each other.

2. Unstable malfunction of plastic blowing machine film bubbles

Reason: The extrusion temperature is too high, the fluidity of the molten resin is too large, the viscosity is too small, and it is easy to fluctuate. ② The extrusion temperature is too low, the discharge amount is small, the air flow of the cooling air ring is unstable, and the abdominal bubble cooling is uneven. ④ It is interfered and affected by strong external air flow. Solution: ① Adjust the extrusion temperature, ② Adjust the extrusion temperature; ③ Check the cooling air ring to ensure uniform and consistent air supply around it, and prevent and reduce external airflow interference. The above is an introduction to the solutions to the problems of film wrinkling and unstable film bubbles in plastic blow molding machines, hoping to be helpful to everyone. For more questions about plastic extruders and plastic blow molding machines, please feel free to consult World Research Machinery.

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