
Three advantages and performance characteristics of flat vulcanization machines
Category: Industry News
Date: 2024-07-08
Click: 106
Author: 世研

The flat vulcanization machine is mainly used for vulcanizing flat tape and belongs to hydraulic machinery. The main function of the flat vulcanization machine is to provide the pressure and temperature required for vulcanization. Next, let me talk about the three advantages and performance characteristics of the flat vulcanization machine

Advantages of flat vulcanization machine:

1. The flat vulcanization machine allows the installation of hydraulic cylinders with larger diameters at a certain center distance, thereby reducing the number of hydraulic cylinders and having a simple structure with less maintenance. 2. The force on the crossbeam of the flat vulcanizing machine is reasonable, and the required cross-sectional modulus is much smaller than that of the column type, which can reduce weight;

3. The manufacturing and installation of the flat vulcanizing machine is simple, the pipeline configuration is concealed, and the overall appearance of the machine is neat and beautiful.

The lateral stiffness of a single frame plate of the frame type flat belt vulcanizing machine is worse than that of the column. However, because the frame of the frame type flat belt vulcanizing machine is composed of multiple frame plates, the whole machine has sufficient lateral stiffness,

Performance characteristics of flat vulcanization machine:

1. Each heating zone of the flat vulcanization machine is equipped with a set of temperature regulating valve groups, which can ensure that the temperature of each heating zone of the hot plate is uniform and consistent.

2. The hydraulic system of the flat vulcanization machine uses hydraulic stations from well-known domestic and foreign brands, which can automatically supplement and maintain pressure balance

3. The small flat vulcanization machine has a synchronous shaft that runs through the unit below the platform, and the synchronous shaft runs through the vulcanization machine.

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